jm_gsProject SAVE THE SURVIVORS was specifically started in 2012 to care and look after rhino that has fallen victim to poaching or traumatic incidents.  This includes rhinos that have been wounded, rhinos where the horn has been hacked off, and victims of snaring and traumatic incidents.  Rhino survivors are estimated at between 80 and 120 animals per year that will benefit from this project.  This number will increase as the amount of poached rhinos increase.

While a few of these animals are brought in to our hospital, most are being treated in the bush in their normal environment as transporting these injured animals are just not possible or feasible.  The areas we frequently visit are Mpumalanga, Limpopo and the Northern Cape.

Contact Details:

Christelle Fourie

Banking Details:

Account name: SAVA

Bank: Standard Bank

Branch Code: 01-12-45

Account Number: 011812095


Reference: STS + (Your Name)

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