The SAVA offers several opportunities to advertisers for advertising to our members:

VetNews (Digital)

Rate Card 2024


Small Advertisements / Classifieds

Contact Sonja van Rooyen for Classified Ads: 012 346 1150 /

Classified (Digital) Rates

Fees for 2024

VAT Incl.

Adverts small (members less 50 words) 180.00
Adverts small (members 50 – 80 words) 310.00
Adverts small: Africa & Overseas (members less 50 words) 575.00
Adverts small: Africa & Overseas (members 50 – 80 words) 900.00

Adverts small

(non – member less 50 words)

VAT Incl.

Local 285.00
Overseas 600.00

Adverts small

(non – members 50 – 80 words)

VAT Incl.

Local 725.00
Overseas 980.00

Bulk E-mail SMS and d6 Connect options:

The SAVA also offers a bulk e-mail and SMS (to all members on the database) service to members and the public. For more information, please contact Sonja van Rooyen on 012 346 1150 or

Bulk e-mail cost:

R7 825 (local, non-SAVA members) and R3 995 for local SAVA Members.

R8 050 (overseas, non-SAVA members) and R4 200 for overseas SAVA Members.

The bulk SMS cost is R1 995 (South African advertisers) and R2 225 for advertisers abroad.

d6 Connect: R3 950,00; once-off. Can include a Subject line, Wording (text only) and attachment – not exceeding 5MB

(Terms and conditions apply)

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