Education Committee:

The Education Committee deals with all matters that relate to veterinary education and advise the Board of directors and Federal Council of the SAVA.

Chairperson: Dr Tom Spencer (

Ethics and Mediation Committee:

The SAVA represents the interests of its members and the Ethics Committee is tasked with maintaining a high standard of practice amongst its members. When it comes to a problem between a client and a member of the SAVA the Ethics Committee is able to mediate between the two parties and also provide a client with an understanding of complex veterinary problems.

Chairperson: Dr Steve Wimberley (

Editorial Committee – Journal of the SAVA:

The overarching objective of the Editor and Editorial Committee is to publish a scientific Veterinary Journal that inter alia will be of international standard, is multidisciplinary and contains reviews, articles, clinical communications, short communications and letters to the editor that are of primary interest to members of the SAVA.

Chairperson: Prof Adrian Tordiffe (

Awards Committee:

Screens nominations for the different categories. Investigates possible new awards and proposes criteria for these awards. Compiles citations for award winners for presentation at the Awards Ceremony.

Chairperson: Prof Gareth Bath (

Medicines Committee:

Medco is composed of representatives from the main clinical groups as well as two representatives from the Regulatory authorities. The committee are available to assist all members of the SAVA with queries relating to veterinary medicine, regulatory matters pertaining to registration of medicines, regulatory requirements, veterinary medicine related complaints / inquiries.

Chairperson: Dr Alan Kloeck (

Finance Committee:

The function of the Finance Committee is to assist the South African Veterinary Association in discharging its duties relating to the safeguarding of assets, the operation of adequate systems, control processes, the preparation of accurate financial reporting and statements in compliance with all applicable legal requirements and accounting standards.

For any account queries contact Dr Tom Spencer (

Constitution Committee:

Chairperson: Mr Gert Steyn (

Marketing & Communications Committee:

Chairperson: Mr Gert Steyn (

Animal Health Committee:

Representing SAVA on all NAHF Structures.

No Chairperson at present

Animal Ethics and Welfare Committee:

The Animal welfare and Ethics committee deals with matters that relate to animal ethics and welfare (in cooperation with the various committees, groups and branches of the Association) and advise the Board of Directors and Federal Council of the SAVA.

The committee was established in the 1970’s as a committee of the then Council of the Association to primarily interact and liaise with Animal Welfare Organisations and to review controversial animal welfare matters which concerned the members of the Association. Over the intervening years to the present time the scope of involvement of the committee has grown to include socio-political, legal and ethical issues concerning animal welfare and the status of the profession in navigating its way through these matters in the work it performs for society.

Chairperson: Dr Bevin Campbell – neé Meyer (

Community Veterinary Clinics (CVC):

For CVC queries contact Claudia Cloete (

Congress Organising Committee:

For congress queries contact Dr Paul van der Merwe (

One Health Disaster Management Committee:

Terms of Reference

[accepted and approved by Federal Council 1 August 2012]

  1. To educate members of the SAVA to understand the underlying theoretical principles of Disaster Management / One Health.
  2. To develop Disaster Management frameworks / templates in collaboration with groups / branches that could be used by them to develop local Disaster Management plans.
  3. To assist groups/branches to develop local Disaster Management plans.
  4. To act as an advisory body during disasters.
  5. To act as a repository for all Disaster Management/One Health related information.


  1. To assist groups / branches of the SAVA to play their rightful role in managing disasters in their area of responsibility.


  1. To undertake the necessary research in the Management of Disasters according to the One Health principles adopted by the OIE and WHO.
  2. To train members of the SAVA to understand the theoretical background in managing disasters according to the One Health concept.  All training to be CPD accredited.
  3. To develop in collaboration with groups/branches of the SAVA Disaster Management frameworks / templates to address the various types of disasters and to explicitly indicate the role of the veterinarian in such disasters.
  4. To assist groups/branches of the SAVA to develop local Disaster Management plans based on the One Health principles.
  5. To act as an informed advisory body for groups /branches of the SAVA in the event of a disaster.


  1. The representative of the SANDF, Directorate Animal Health to be the chairperson.
  2. All groups and branches to nominate a representative to the committee.
  3. The deputy chairperson to be elected from members nominated.

16 July 2012

Chairperson: Dr Paul van der Merwe (

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