To join as a SAVA member, please fill in the form below. Once completed, we will review your details and inform you once it has been approved and send you further details regarding membership fees.

Personal information
Physical address
Employment and academic information
SAVA membership type

Please choose which membership type you are applying for. We will verify this after submission to ensure your membership fees are correct.

SAVA branches

Please select all the branches that you wish to belong to.

Special interest groups

Please select all the groups that you wish to belong to. Kindly note that some special interest groups are not administered by SAVA and the applicable member fees will be charged by the special interest group.

Billing information

More information on SAVA CVC

By choosing to donate to the SAVA CVC, you will be debited R 50.00 monthly because you chose to pay by debit order.

More information on SAVF

By choosing to donate to the SAVF, you will be debited R 50.00 monthly because you chose to pay by debit order.

These donations qualify for Section 18A Tax deductible certificates.

Other information
SAVA yearly membership fee R 3 970.00
SAVA CVC donation amount (monthly) R 50.00
SAVF donation amount (monthly) R 50.00
Total R 100.00
Terms & conditions

You will be liable for membership fees. Termination of membership can only be accepted in writing. This contract is binding.

The details you provide above will be shared to the relevant SAVA branches and special interest groups you indicated. By submitting this application, you consent to the sharing of this information for the purpose of the SAVA branches and/or special interest groups to contact you regarding your membership and/or application.

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