Studies show that veterinarians are four times more likely to take their own lives than members of the general public!

The wellness and well-being of our members is of great concern to the veterinary profession, not only in South Africa, but worldwide.

Veterinary practice has been identified as an enormously stressful occupation. Some stressors include the generally high managerial aspect of the job, long working hours, heavy workload, poor work-life balance, difficult client relations and euthanasia of animals.

The vision of “Care for the Care Giver” is fully supported by the President of the SAVA. The objectives of the SAVA wellness days ensures that a knowledgeable mentor ship programme for the veterinarians in South Africa is created. Individuals providing care to others are more prone to the negative effects of care giving resulting in depression, burn-out, disillusionment of the profession and even suicide.

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