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Vets in 'Free State'

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Name Address Contact Number Email Website
Aliwal Noord Dierehospitaal Monaco 9, Dawid Botha Straat, Heuwelsig, 9301 051 633 2300
Animaland Animal Hospital 47 Doringberg Straat, Vaalpark, Sasolburg 016 971 3546 Email Visit
Bayswater Dierekliniek Eeufees Weg 40, Bayswater, Bloemfontein 051 436 6604 Email
Bethlehem Dierehospitaal Preekstoel Road, Bethlehem, 9700 058 303 2274 Email
Bloemfontein Dierehospitaal 2 Captain Proctor (Cnr Kellner Street), Brandwag, Bloemfontein 051 444 1460 Email
Bloukoppies Dierespreekkamer Plaas Bloukoppies, Luckhoff 053272 VRA 2602
Bothaville Dierekliniek 8 Fontein Street, Bothaville 072 391 4822 Email
Boulevard Dierehospitaal 31 Elias Motsoaledi, Langenhovenpark, Bloemfontein 051 446 1006 Email
Clocolan Dierekliniek 8 Louw Wepener Crescent, Clocolan, 9735 051 943 0436 Email
Dr WA Kotze Inperanieberg, Ficksburg, 9730 051 933 2664 Email
Drs Irwin & Howell Hillside, Springfontein, 9917 051 713 0518 Email
Fichardtpark Dierekliniek Benaderylaan 152, Fichardtpark, Bloemfontein 051 522 2500 Email
Ficksburg Dierehospitaal Imperaniberg, Ficksburg 9730 051 933 2664 Email
Fouriesburg Animal Clinic 39 De La Harpestraat, Fouriesburg 082 751 4060 Email
Frankfort Dierekliniek Skougronde, Frankfort, 9830 058 813 1044 Email
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