What is the National Veterinary Clinicians Group (NVCG)?
- The National Veterinary Clinicians Group is a subgroup of the South African Veterinary Association representing the interests of companion animal veterinarians in the broader veterinary community. Just like there are vets who have a particular interest in farm animals or vets who specialise in wildlife, so there are vets who dedicate their time and interests on companion animals like dogs, cats and various other types of animals kept as pets.
- The National Veterinary Clinicians Group provides a forum for dialogue between companion animal veterinarians.
- The National Veterinary Clinicians Group provides Continuing Education through world class Continuing Professional Development events. The NVCG strives to bring the latest techniques and advancements in veterinary science to companion animal veterinarians in South Africa.
- The National Veterinary Clinicians Group assists in maintaining high veterinary practice standards in South Africa.
- The National Veterinary Clinicians Group strives to ensure that the best available care is provided to all South African companion animals.
- Members of the The National Veterinary Clinicians Group are automatic members of the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA). The National Veterinary Clinicians Group provides members free access to the Journal of Small Animal Practice (JSAP) and Clinician’s Brief, provided by North American Veterinary Community (NAVC).
- Members of the National Veterinary Clinicians Group get free access to World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) papers on Global Pain Control, Global Nutrition Guidelines, Vaccination Guidelines, Hereditary Diseases and White papers on animal welfare.
- In September 2014 the National Veterinary Clinicians Group hosted the World Small Animal Veterinary Association (WSAVA) Congress in Cape Town.
Chairperson: Dr Dave Miller (chairman@nvcg.co.za)
Visit our website:Â www.nvcg.co.za